Blue Mountain Village Foundation 2024 Spring Grant Recipients
Blue Mountain Village Foundation is pleased to announce $25,800 in funding to the following organizations and their programs:
Elephant Thoughts, Collingwood Youth Centre Culinary Service Program, $4,000
First Presbyterian Church, Closing Social Gaps “Love Your Neighbour”, $3,500
Home Horizon Georgian Triangle Residential Services, Outreach Program for Homeless Youth, $3,000
Magic of Children in the Arts, School Arts Supplies, $1,800
Meaford Culture Foundation, Empowering Youth through Arts & Culture program, $2,000
My Friends House, Food Security Program, $4,000
The Gilbert Centre for Social & Support Services, QT Connection Network $4,000
United Way Simcoe Muskoka, Urgent Needs Fund, $3,500
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gifts $15,000 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives March 31, 2023 as part of the 2022/23 Winter/Spring Grant Funding Program

The following succesful agencies are: Home Horizon-Barbara Weider House, My Friend's House, YMCA Simcoe Muskoka, Living Better With Parkinsons, First Presbyterian Church and Georgian Bay Home Share.
“Thank you, Blue Mountain Village Foundation for your support and donation! This funding will be used to help support Home Horizon’s Outreach Program for Homeless Youth. Our program works with vulnerable youth in the community to identify safe living spaces and provides direction to assist them to regain control of their lives. Since the launch of this program, we have served 200+ youth and 75+ adults, with over 2,000 services interactions (referrals, goal setting, supplies, workshops, etc). Through our Outreach Worker we have supplied 400+ meals and 300+ gift cards for food and essentials such as: tents, sleeping bags, food, hygiene products, jackets, hand warmers, clothes, and much more. The program provides support and advocacy for mental health, physical health, legal, financial aid, rental/tenant advocacy and referrals to other housing agencies, helping one of our most vulnerable populations to avoid falling through the cracks, providing every individual who encounters our Outreach Worker the chance to feel safe and heard. We are the only organization in our area providing this service and supporting youth where they are to build trust and produce results.” Deb Piggott, Fund Development Manager
Living Better with Parkinson’s is a non-profit organization supporting people living with PD, caregiver, family members and the medical community in south Georgian Bay promoting physical activity…every day.
In so doing, Living Better with Parkinson’s and the TIME™ team have partnered with the Integrated Movement Disorders Program (IMDP) at the University Health Network in Toronto to pilot the new TIME-PD™ exercise program. Living Better with Parkinson’s (LBWP) is very excited to be the first to offer TIME-PD™ in Collingwood!
"On behalf of Living Better with Parkinson’s, a heartfelt thank you to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for recognizing the importance of supporting the TIME pilot program in conjunction with LBWP. It is through this kind of support that significantly makes a difference to people living with Parkinson’s Disease, their families, and medical professionals in our community." Catherine Smart, Executive Director
Over the next decade, 1.5% to 2% of the population over 60 years will live with Parkinson’s Disease who live in North America. That is more than Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, and ALS combined. The South Georgian Bay (SGB) population is growing rapidly, and the demographics are aging as it attracts more residents to the area. In this decade, People with Parkinson’s (PWP) in SGB are expected to double.
“Because Home Share is new to the area, we are spending considerable time explaining the Home Share concept to local organizations and individuals. Funding from the Blue Mountain Village Association grant will enable us to continue to market and promote Georgian Bay Home Share through various print, social media platforms and other avenues. We will also be looking into employing someone with computer and technical skills to assist us with setting up and operating computer programs that will stream line our work, making us more efficient and organized as we grow. Thank you for supporting Georgian Bay Home Share. We are grateful for the confidence that you have shown our project by providing us with this grant." – Carol & Diana, Founders, Georgian Bay Home Share
“My Friend’s House is so grateful for the incredible support from Blue Mountain Village Foundation. We are expanding 3 meals a day in our Crisis Shelter for women and children, to include a Healthy Meal Program that is based on healing trauma from abuse and violence. This program will focus on nutrition, cooking skills, growing vegetables in our garden to sharing meals and connecting our residents with staff to share celebrations. The grant from BMVF will go directly towards the supplies needed for the program and celebrations. Our cost of food has risen dramatically – we have a $250 weekly budget – and at capacity we feed 6 adults and 6 children 21 meals a week. This includes $40 a week for milk. With BMVF support My Friend’s House dollars will stretch to ensure our Healthy Meal Program provides nutritious meals and we can continue to truly help the women and children at our shelter heal from their trauma." Jane Truemner, Senior Development Manager
"The YMCA is very grateful for the support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for the Collingwood YMCA and Wasaga Beach YMCA Youth Leaders Program. The Youth Leaders Program is an exciting, engaging program for youth grades 5 through 12, opening doors to meet other youth in the community and to build leadership, problem solving and communications skills. Youth participate in service-learning projects, have the opportunity to acquire training and certifications, attend retreats, as well as volunteer hours for secondary school.
Youth in the leadership program make a difference in our YMCAs and communities. Funding from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation will help the YMCA to promote healthy lifestyles, offer mental health supports to young people, and to promote social-emotional well-being. Funding will also support financial assistance for youth memberships in order to allow youth to attend the leadership program at the YMCA regardless of their financial situation." Dale Rowe, Manager, Annual Campaign and Community Engagement
“A big thank-you to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for your contribution to our Love-Your-Neighbour Programme. This programme addresses the growing issue of food insecurity in our community and currently supports up to 25 families ( over 80 persons) each week who have been identified as needing assistance – mainly food, but we also try to assist with clothing, furniture and equipment as funds permit. Our weekly food distribution involves the delivery of food hampers to the families with food donated by local businesses and supporters and food we purchase using the funds donated by charitable organizations, our volunteers and our church members for this purpose.” Denman Lawrenson
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gifts $15,000 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives April 20, 2022 as part of the 2021/22 Winter/Spring Grant Funding Program
The following succesful agencies are: Breaking Down Barriers, Elephant Thoughts, Events for Life, Home Horizon-Barbara Weider House, Ledge Leadership, Living Wish Foundation, Meaford Food Bank, Rainbows Georgian Triangle, Theatre Collingwood, United Way Simcoe Muskoka.
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $15,000 to South Georgian Bay Community COVID-19 Initiatives February 3, 2021 as part of the Accelerated Winter Grant Program
“We wish to express our sincerest thanks to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for the recent grant donation in the amount of $1,000.00 in support of Home Horizon’s “Your S.A.F.E. – Specialized Access for Everyone – An Individualized Approach to Youth Homelessness” Program, specifically funding our efforts to supply food and necessity vouchers to homeless youth in our communities. We have a dedicated outreach person who is working with youth in our community facing complex and challenging barriers including poverty, mental health, addictions, sex trafficking, racism, homophobia, trauma and conflictual home lives to assist them with essential needs and assists with access to services that they require. The youth participating in the program are learning coping strategies and life skills as well as how to access community resources available to help them. Research has shown a clear link between youth engagement initiatives and positive health outcomes. It is because of the amazing continued support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation that we can continue to do the work that we do". – Deb Piggott, Fund Development Manager
"Thank you Blue Mountain Village Foundation Directors and team for your support during this time of uncertainty. Your commitment to provide assistance that will enhance and address the unique needs of our community is greatly appreciated. Our team is small but mighty and thrilled to be a recipient of the Accelerated Winter Grant Program, where funds will help us expand our Community Garden, enabling a higher number of community members access to grow their own food." – Carolyn Letourneau, Executive Director
"The isolation caused by COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on both our patients and our volunteers. This grant will allow us to acquire the technology and programs to provide isolated patients with hope, connection to loved ones and to virtually transport them to another place. We will also use this opportunity to engage our volunteers in a virtual training program." – Lisa Wright, Co-Founder
"The donation from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation will continue to support youth and seniors in our community learning how to cook healthy nutritious meals. This donation will bring smiles to many families this winter." – Kerri MacDonald
"The volunteers of our "St. George's Cares" Outreach Ministries are deeply grateful for the support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. Thank you for helping us to make the routines of seniors and school families a little easier by delivering a weekly home style dinner - without the dishes! Know how much they appreciate your kindness." – Grayham Bowcott, Rector & Priest
Trinity Community Dinner - $1,000
" People in our neighborhood need, enjoy the effort and appreciate what we do, as we offer a dinner by take-out or delivery once a month. The numbers have risen and so have the costs to put this together. Thank you for this donation, it will go a long way to helping with this service." – Barb Sneyd
"We are very grateful for the generosity of our community and for receiving $1000 from the BMVA, especially during C-19 times. This funding will allow us to continue growing organic fresh produce while offering it to our clients at the Meaford Food Bank & Outreach. Our goal is to improve food security in our area for the community members in need. This will also support gardening classes and summer outdoor games for local kids." - Simona Freibergova, Meaford Community Gardens Coordinator
"As a result of COVID-19, we continue to help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness for individuals with diverse disabilities through our extensive virtual programs, activities and services. We are also ramping up our mental health rapid response for individuals and their families experiencing any type of mental health crisis through personalized mental health coping skills techniques - giving them a more balanced and manageable daily life." - Teresa Gal, Executive Director
“We are so thankful to the BVMA for their support offering free spaces to deserving kids to go to our School in Nature. Our School was designed to allow kids a chance to laugh, get muddy, learn, smile, climb, and find joy during these challenging times. Something we all need a bit more of. These funds are there to help families struggling with resources to be able to offer this opportunity to their kids, once a week for 5 week sessions. Our sincere hope, is by providing an outlet for kids that have been cooped up too long to run and laugh and be enriched, that their entire families can feed off of those smiles." - Jeremy Rhodes, Executive Director
“Pets keep us well, pets keep us happy, pets keep us healthy. The Georgian Triangle Humane Society is grateful for the community support that has been granted through the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. The GTHS believes that if we take care of the health and wellness of the most vulnerable sector of our community, we are making strides to take care of the overall health of the entire community. We also believe in celebrating the human-animal bond and that by doing so, we are inspiring compassion within our community. We are pleased that the Blue Mountain Village Foundation shares these beliefs and is working to ensure that charities in our community are here and able to help people and animals.” - Sonya Reichel. Executive Director, GTHS
“The support of the BMVA ensures that Out of The Cold can continue to provide direct support to those most vulnerable in our community with issues surrounding homelessness.” - Tracey O'Neill
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $17,000 to South Georgian Bay Community COVID-19 Initiatives May 8, 2020 as part of the newly launched Accelerated Spring Grant Program
“Thank you, Blue Mountain Village Foundation! We are incredibly grateful for your generous support and in particularly for this donation to Home Horizon’s Barbara Weider House helping us with circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. The youth at the Barbara Weider House already deal with extremely complicated with pre-existing issues, compounding this with the fear and uncertainty of this virus can trigger even further distress. Along side of your support, our front-line staff have gone over and above their duties. Collectively we are driving change in our community helping more vulnerable youth transform their lives and move forward with their hopes, dreams and life opportunities. Thank you for this opportunity and for your continued support of Home Horizon”. Deb Piggott – Fund Development Manager
“Due to the pandemic, instead of winding up the Out of The Cold homeless shelter at the end of the winter season, we relocated to a larger facility and expanded to 24/7 operations. The expanded capacity enables us to prepare for and prevent a COVID-19 outbreak within the shelter and ensure the health and safety of our guests, staff team and the community. Funding from the BMVF will directly support the needs of the 8-12 individuals we serve each day.” Pamela Hillier, Executive Director
“Cancer hasn’t stopped, and neither have we. The generous support from Blue Mountain Village Foundation not only confirms to everyone that Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka is still supporting anyone impacted by cancer during this pandemic, but that we can continue to innovate and safely offer professional support to the most vulnerable in our community. Living with a compromised immune systems puts a cancer patient at greater risk - and the isolation, anxiety and stress shared by everyone in the family also means that anyone dealing with cancer needs help today more than ever.” Aaron Lutes, Executive Director
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at My Friends House continues to offer services to families through our Child and Youth Program. As mothers and their children shelter in place, we are grateful for the opportunity to provide positive activities and enrichment for children and youth. Encouraging education and creativity through interactive tablets, arts and crafts is made possible through the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. Our Child and Youth Worker will be able to interact with kids regularly through the provided tablets, offering much-needed support and personal connection. Entertaining busy kids provides relief for mothers during a stressful time that is exacerbated by violence at home. Support for moms is essential. We can now encourage mothers to practice self-care and to reach out for assistance, knowing that their children are occupied in meaningful ways. Thank you for your meaningful support." Alison FitzGerald, Executive Director
"Covid-19 has disrupted all our lives. This is especially difficult for local families living with dementia who often rely heavily on routines built around programs that happen outside the home and interactions with friends/family. Many families living with dementia are at high risk for Covid-19 - being older in age and having other health complications. Many are not comfortable with internet purchases and did not have time to prepare in advance of this pandemic. We can all understand how important having meaningful activity is right now and it's especially true for local families living with dementia. A huge thank you to Blue Mountain Village Foundation Accelerated Grant Program for helping us to restock our supplies and distribute these meaningful, engaging activity kits directly into the hands of local families who need them." Jennifer Isber-Legge Volunteer Services and Special Events Coordinator
“The BMFA is thrilled by the speedy response of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation in reacting to community needs. The funding has enabled us to offer free online art jamming sessions for kids and adults in the spirit of fun and creativity. It allows us to compensate artists leading the classes who are currently without income. It’s a win win scenario!” Susan Cook, Manager
“Environment Network, Elephant Thoughts, the Collingwood Youth Centre are very thankful to the BMVF for supporting us in the production of PPE Face Shields using the high tech equipment of the Collingwood Youth Centre. We will continue to produce face shields as long as there is need and resources and distribute them freely to local hospitals, seniors homes, and front line workers. Thank you BMVF for being such an amazing community partner” Kerri MacDonald
"The Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Foundation is grateful to have the ongoing support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation! Community support has been absolutely instrumental in the Hospital’s ability to respond quickly to the changes that needed to be made in response to Covid-19. The funds from the BMVA Spring Grant program will help to purchase IPads for the Hospital’s new Virtual Visiting Program. With the current visitor restrictions in place, CGMH is making every effort to keep patients and their loved ones connected in innovative ways. A new, user friendly program called Virtual Visiting is now available. At a time when we are all required to remain physically distanced, this program is the very best way for our patients to remain connected to those closest to them. Pictured is Sadie Nixon, Manager of Volunteer Services at CGMH, who is launching the program and acting as the new Virtual Visiting Ambassador, who coordinates virtual visits for patients upon their request. Thank you for your support!" Jesse Dees, Chief Development Officer
"The Meaford Hospital is extremely thankful for the support! The funding will help to support the purchase of PPE for the Meaford site including masks, gowns, gloves etc. We have been able to purchase extra supplies which has allowed us to keep our medical staff safe as well as our patients coming into our hospital. As you know the government doesn’t fund these types of requests so it is important to fulfill the needs that are required by not only our staff but our patients. Our staff have been working around the clock during this time of unrest and are dedicated to continuing patient care. We are thankful that you have been able to give them piece of mind knowing that when they come to work they are protected. We are truly blessed and our medical staff are thankful for your support!" Jennifer Wright, Executive Director
"Thank you for your assistance with keeping our volunteers safe and enhancing our ability to process our anticipated increase of community donations to our Treasure Shop" Carolyn Letourneau, Executive Director. Funds will be used to help rent an onsite storage bin, plexi-glass sorting areas and PPE for sorting volunteers.
"On behalf of St. George's Anglican Church, Chef Jean Lewis Knight Oliver and the volunteers of the Caring Meal Delivery outreach program to seniors, we want to say a big thank you for your donation of $1000 in support of enabling delicious meals for some of our Town's most vulnerable residents. Your support has sponsored three weeks worth of meal deliveries to up to forty recipients.
Each Caring Meal Delivery includes: a soup, fresh baked bread, a stew, a pasta dish, salads, dessert and often additional goodies like fresh fruit or even toiletries.The most common response of recipients to our program is this: "Your meals are the highlight of my week! Delicious!"
Thank you again for your kindness and generosity. On behalf of our recipients, we say; THANK YOU!" Rev'd Dr. Grayhame Bowcott, Incumbent Priest
"Direct Funding is an innovative program enabling adults with physical disabilities to become employers of their own attendants. Attendants assist with routine activities of living, such as dressing, grooming and bathing. As employers, participants are fully responsible for managing their own employees within a budget that is developed on an individual basis. Aside from sourcing & delivering PPE, our staff also was very diligent in mobilizing and ensuring we provided regular check in calls to the various individuals that we serve to ensure they are coping well.
Being sensitive that some of those we serve do not have phones or internet access a special newsletter was designed & provided to those individuals so that no one was forgotten. The Accelerated Spring Grant that we received provided 50 additional hours of staff time and PPE management. Thank you once again as all of the above was possible to ensure those most Vulnerable in the Communities we serve are able to remain safe during this time" Teresa Gal, Executive Director
"We were so grateful that the BMVF stepped up to offer funding (outside of their normal granting stream) during the very early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. The grant money received has helped us continue to purchase much-needed food items for those most in need in our community. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and the community in general, thank you." - Nellie Greb, President
"Thanks to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation, the Marsh Street Centre will be offering two online concerts FREE!! ." - Jan Seneshen, VP, Director of Fundraising.
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $15,000 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - Jan 23, 2020
The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $15,000 to the following organizations and their programs.
Andrew Siegwart hosted a round table discussion with the above grant recipients with a focus on health, homelessness and youth empowerment to sustain our community.
Employment Skills Development & Food Supply for Local Programs
“The Collingwood Youth Centre runs a program Kids Feeding Kids every Friday night. This program is led by local Chef Rob Liberty who leads the youth participating in the program to create healthy meals. The program involves meal planning, sourcing nutritional ingredients, prepping, and preparing the food. Food Handlers Certificate as well as Knife Skills were requested by the youth as they would like to gain employment in the hospitality area. Food produced will be donated to local charities serving youth. This funding will help keep this program running throughout the year as well as giving youth employable skills.” Kerri MacDonald
Access for Youth from Low Income Families, School in Nature Program
“Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach is grateful for the on-going support of the Blue Mountain Village Association. This funding will enable our organization to offer youth from low income families, the opportunity to participate in our SCHOOL IN NATURE located at Kimbercote Centre in the heart of Beaver Valley. It is an exquisite property that spans over 100 acres of forest and accessible trails on the Niagara Escarpment. The SCHOOL IN NATURE will assist in developing greater resilience and confidence through hands on outdoor exploration and guided experiential learning that complements the Provincial Education system.“ Abby Stec, Director of Business Development
Essential Life Skills Program
“The Blue Mountain Village Foundation’s incredible support of Home Horizon’s Barbara Weider House will support the Essential Life Skills program which targets youth, either homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Georgian Bay area. The direct benefit of the program is helping youth rebuild their lives and integrate back into society rather than continuing down a path of homelessness that may lead to larger problems. Key to our approach is that youth are provided with a range of life skills that will help them transition to adulthood, live independently and gain confidence in themselves.” The Barbara Weider House is the only facility in our community dedicated to serving youth at risk of homelessness.” Deb Piggott, Fund Development Manager
Lab Transfusion Medicine Fridge
“We sincerely thank the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for their support of the capital equipment needs of The Meaford Hospital. The funds donated from BMVF will support the purchase of a new Lab Transfusion Medicine Fridge. This vital piece of equipment will be used in the lab, emergency department and inpatient area at The Meaford Hospital. This particular fridge meets the mandatory regulatory requirements to store life-saving blood products for patients who require them on both a routine and emergent basis including Rhogam for expecting mothers, Red cells for our local oncology patients, hemophiliac factor concentrate and PCC complex for bleeding patients that are taking Coumadin. We are grateful for the support of the BMVF and their supporters; they are funding life-saving medical equipment and supporting their local healthcare needs.” Jen Wright, Executive Director
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $11,000 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - June 12, 2019

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $11,000 to the following organizations and their programs.
"The Blue Mountain Village Foundation is helping the BMFA bring the 4th Annual Story Telling Festival to South Georgian Bay for the month of October. This year we are partnering with other entities to bring some exciting events to the gallery and stage. We strongly believe in working with others. With the cost of the production, it is difficult to bring projects like the Tom Thomson Musical and the Georgian Bay Grand Slam Story Slam to fruition. We have an eductional element in the Story Slam and the Photo Contest. We could not accomplish all of this without help from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. We appreciate the recognition of Arts & Culter as a valuable sector to the local economy and know that the community of South Georgian Bay will benefit from this support!" Susan Cook - BMFA Administrator
"The Meaford Culture Foundation would like to thank the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for the grant we received. This investment in arts & culture programs adds so much to our community, the benefit to our youth is phenomenal. When we work together we can exceed our goals for giving back. Each year MCF strives to do better, with the help of BMVF we are able to achieve this. Funding received from BMVF is applied to bursaries for musical theatre and drama camps. The feedback from students is overwhelmingly positive 'Best time ever', 'I couldn't wait to get up in the morning and go to camp', 'Thank you for giving me the opportunity to sing, dance & act', 'I had a great time showing the performance'. Helping some kids overcome shyness, learning to work as a team and of course, building self-confidence are skills for life. Once again, thank you, together we can make a difference and add so much to a young persons future!" Joanne McKenzie - Director Community Outreach & Grants
"It is an honour and privilege to receive this grant from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation to create the "Healing and Self Care through Nature" program. As the Child & Youth worker, all too ofen I see the mother-child bond damaged due to traumatic experiences in their lives. This program gives us an opportunity to help ground mothers and children to the earth, while working through the impact domestic violence has had on their ability to be vulnerable and receive love from one another. Mothers and children will develop a better understanding around each other's emotions, experiences and individual strengths. It will allow for inclusion and freedom of expression within the family unit. Through guided activities in art, play, creativity and adventure this program will help the family make a therapeutic connection to the environment around them and use it as a source of healing for years to come. Witnessing the family bond strengthening and seeing mothers and children laugh again is heartening and everyone at My Friends House is thankful to Blue Mountain Village Foundation for making it possible". Krystal Mullan - Child & Youth Woker
"Thanks to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation grant, Hundred Acres Wood Forest Preschool is able to ensure that we have the necessary infrastructure and furniture required to launch a new non-profit licensed day care/preschool space for the community. We are so honoured to have been selected from many worthy applications by the BMVF". Kimberly Edwards
"Thank you for the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for the funding you gave the Beaver Crawl Triathlon. Your assistance is a big encouragement to all of us on the planning team. We appreciate your support for youth leadership and this community event!" Melrie Wright - BVO Youth Engagement Coordinator
Blue Mountain Village Foundation 2019 Bob Comish Memorial Grant Recipient presentation - June 12, 2019

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation is pleased to announce funding of $5,000 to loval high school students along with one student attending Georgian College, who have worked at the resort property.
"I have worked at Blue Mountain Resort since I was 18 years old. It was there I discovered my love for the hospitality industry. I am now 21 years old and have since worked at the resort as a waitress and bartender. Working in the Village has given me the income to pay for my schooling. Winning an award from Blue Mountain to help pay for my schooling in the Law Clerk Program has been such an honour. I am forever grateful to receive the Bob Comish Memorial Award. Thank you to Catherine Smart for being the donor to such a meaningful cause and supporting me through my studies." Erica Whitten - Georgian College
"Receiving a scholarship through the Bob Comish Memorial award is such an honour for me. I am so happy to be able to represent such an amazing workplace like Blue Mountain. Working at Blue Mountain throughout my high school experience has taught me many skills to move on with my future and has given me many memories to cherish. This scholarship will impact my life in more ways than one. It will aid me in my educational path moving forward and assist me in many finances to come my way for my future. I want to thank Blue Mountain for this scholarship and all of their help towards my future!" Oria Molloy - Jean Vanier Catholic High School
"I am very excited to have been selected to be one of the recipients for the Bob Comish Memorial Award. I have been working and playing at Blue Mountain for many years and I know the importance of being part of a team which works to make the resort as friendly and as enjoyable as possible. I am very excited to continue on to post secondary and use this money to further my education. I am very appreciative to be receiving this award because post secondary school is very expensive and this will make a big difference for me moving fowward". Matthew Rennie - Collingwood Collegiate Institute
Not present
Ainslie Hollin - Jean Vanier Catholic High School
Madi Cornelisse - Georgian Bay Community School
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $21,000 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - November 20, 2018

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $21,000 to the following organizations and their programs.
"“Thanks for the Blue Mountain Village Foundation, five youth from the Town of the Blue Mountains will be sponsored for the "Marsh Street Rocks" after school program building confidence, capability and friendships through music, fun and laughter. Marsh Street Rocks is a not-for-profit organization. Tuition fees cover the costs of teachig instruments. The Marsh Street community is grateful to the Foundation for recongnizing the need of assisting youth take part in a wonderful experience!” Jan Seneshen - Fundraising - Board Director
"At the GTHS, we believe in helping pets and people. With the support of the BVMF and its generosity, we can continue to grow our Humane Education Program and target at-risk youth in our area. Building on their social and emotional skills through interaction with our shelter animals, your grant allows us to utilize the natural bond between animals and children and help grow a program that educates local youth about compassion and empathy for all living things. We help them to foster positive relationships with pets and people and enhance their social and emotional growth. The long term benefits will impact our local youth, their friends and families, their pets and their communities and contribute to our collective wellbeing. The generosity and forward thinking of the BVMF lends enormous value to our program and helps us to promote healthy, long lasting relationships for generations to come." Karen Marsh, Humane Education Coordinator Sonya Reichel, Executive Director
“There has been a substantial increase in the requests for services within our Child Witness Program these past few years. The youth are reaching out, but we have limited resources to be able to help. With your support, we can focus on counselling and helping the young people we serve, and with time and education we will see youth learn better coping skills, a decline in the need, and reduced called/need for advocacy/support in these areas. Your support will create a ripple effect of positive change that will be felt throughout our communities” Michelle Lamont - Community & Fund Development Coordinator - Women's House Grey Bruce
"“The grant the Environment Network on behalf of the Collingwood Youth Centre received from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation will give youth a real-life entrepreneurship opportinity at no cost. You will be able to get creative and develop their own business idea. The program hopes to ignite a spark within young entrepreneurs who would othersise struggle with the basic know-how or the financials to realize their entrepreneurial ideas!” Kerri MacDonald - Environment Network
“As recipients of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation funding, our team at Elephant Thoughts Educational Outreach is sincerely grateful for this generous support. Our paddle and drum making carpentry workshops will bring together Indigenour and non-Indigenour youth, for a unique skill-building opporunity that will ignite imagination and enhance social and emotional growth. A heartfelt thank you for the BMVF who continues to be instrumental in modelling philanthropy and cultivating a true sense of community”. Abby Stec – Elephant Thoughts
“Thank you Blue Mountain Village Foundation! Your support and donation will be used to help fund Home Horizon Barbara Weider House’s new Essential Life Skills for Teens program. This program is focused on helping youth at the Barbara Weider House develop critical life and independent living skills in addition, the program rebuilds self-esteem, hope and opportunity. Many of our homeless youth have fled or been forced out of their homes because they are victims of domestic abuse and or neglect. This program has been extended and out-reaches youth on our wait-list, and not just residents.” Deb Piggott – Fund Development Manager
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $7,690 to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - June 14, 2018

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $7,690 to the following organizations and their programs.
"“With this generous donation, more children will receive bursaries to musical theatre camp this summer! The experience will encourage them to have self confidence by giving them an opportunity to sing, dance and act, and of course have fun!”
“We are very appreciative that the Blue Mountain Village Foundation recognizes the great work that Rainbows Georgian Triangle is doing with grieving children”. Karen Potts – Rainbows Program Georgian Triangle
“Being selected for funding from BMVF for our Step into STEM program will allow the library to support young students in learning, curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration. As a direct result of receiving this funding, library staff will be able to engage the community in a number of environments – the classroom, the library, special events, and more. We are looking forward to developing the STEM skills of our young community members, and this would not be possible without the support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation”
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $34.9k to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - December 14, 2017

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $34,910 to the following organizations and their programs.
"This significant gift from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation will assist Hospice Georgian Triangle (HGT) with the expansion costs of Campbell House, our safe & conforting home. This will enable HGT to help more people in our community who need us. Individuals with a palliative diagnosis, their caregiversa and the bereaved are all supported by HGT at no cost to the patient or family, because of donations like this from the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. Thank you from all of us at HGT" - Kelly Borg, Executive Director.
"The Blue Mountain Foundation fudning received for Life Skills Workshops is value not only to the women, children and youth in our housing program, but also reaches out to the community. It is expected it will assist up to 50individuals directly and indirectly through learning and supports. This funding will give the population in the community an opportunity for peer support, learning and practice to a group of participants to add mechanisms to their skill box, strengthen their abilities and share with other people in the community. They will learn many tasks such as handling money, creating a safe environment, cooking & shopping, personal care, health and so much more. This opportunity also creates a social environment for this population to create new friendships and supports. Thank you for this opportunity." - Doris Sensenberger, Executive Director
"I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for thier committment to the GBCS Backpacks for Learning Program and to the students in our community. This grant will enable us to support students facing socia-economic and food security issues in a real and genuine way that communicates our belief in their potential when supports are put in place to help them succeed. When we acknowledge and address the barriers that hinder studetns from being successful in school, we empower them to see their potential and to engage in their schools and community." Amy Teed Acres, Teacher/Program Organizer.
"Free Spirit Gardens is honoured to recieve a grant from the BMVF, especially considering the amazing organizations and projects that have both applied for funding and been awarded funding from this Foundation in the past. We will use these funds to help complete the building of the Thornbury Communite Gardens in the spring which will, in turn, give Thornbury residents the chance to grow their own food - maybe for the first time! Thank you so much!" Kimberly Edwards
"The generous grant provided by the Blue Mountain Village Foundation is an immeasurable asset to the student athletes of GBCS. The funds will directly support the initiative to create a baseball program that will assist numerous young athletes to continue their passion and drive in sport" Justin Aubin, Community Baseball Coach
"I am pleased that the Blue Mountain Village Foundation will be one of our partners in our Virtual Film Project for the Mary Ward and the Path to the Village of the Souls. This project will bring together the museum collection with these iconic local landmarks and allow for all to visit these unique and challenging to get to places. I know that our organization, our community and our visitors will appreciate this new opportunity for learning and discovery, which this project will provide." Andrea Wilson, Curator
"Events for Life is very grateful for the support of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. The monies received will allow us to grow our participation numbers for our day program including extra outings. For example, some of our partcipants attend 2 of the 3 days available and now with sponsorship money, we can attend all three! We often do extra outings that are cost prohibitive for some and now we can include everyone! Thanks again!" Catherine Butler
"Thanks to the BMVA donation the Collingwood Youth Centre is able to put in place a kids-feeding-kids program. This program will provide culinary training to interested youth and stock our fridge with healthy snacks and meals for any youth showing up hungry." Geoff Jones, CYC Manager
Blue Mountain Village Foundation 2017 Bob Comish Memorial Grant Recipient presentation - June 14, 2017

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation is pleased to announce funding of $5,000 to local high school students along with one student who is currently attending Georgian College who have worked at the resort property. The grant presentation occured Wednesday June 14th at Sunset Grill at Blue Mountain Village.
"We are very proud to support students who provide the mountain with innovative ideas about how the resort can expand in the areas of customer service, programming and physical access" says Andrew Siegwart, President of the Foundation. "The Bob Comish Memorial Award is a wonderful legacy celebrating a man who made such an impact in our community. Bob would be proud of the recipients accomplishments and plans for their future educational endeavours".
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $29.5k to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - June 6, 2017

The Blue Mountain Village Foundation was pleased to announce funding of $29,500 to the following organizations and their programs.
A new residential service for homeless youth located in Collingwood and serving youth in the Southern Georgian Bay area.
GBCS Music Department is one of the mainstays of the school. More than 2/3 of the students actively participate in the music program due to the caliber of the program. in 2000, Friday Night Coffee Houses were created encouraging students to perform on stage. The Coffee House model has grown extensively since that time; hence the need for the improved video equipment. Much of the Music departments current inventory is in disarry with fractured cables, blurry images and broken components. The music department's goal is to upgrade to high-definition status purchasing more cameras in order to encourage more students to be involved.
Providing 85% subsidy for six students and two summer campers to attend the Marsh Street Rocks program during the spring, fall & winter seassions.
Blue Mountain Village Foundation Gives $25k to South Georgian Bay Community Initiatives - December 2, 2016
Today the Blue Mountain Village Foundation (BMVF) announced the recipients of its fall 2016 Grant Program in a special ceremony at the Don Braden Memorial Sculpture in Blue Mountain Village. A total of $25,000 will support four much-needed local community initiatives in the Southern Georgian Bay Region. They are as follows:
The goal of this project is to give 50 deserving kids access to programs for an entire year. The most recognized and successful program being the Big-Little Community Mentoring Program which matches adult volunteers with a child or youth in need of a mentor and friend for 3-4 hour weekly visits. This is the signature program that launched the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization and since then it has been delivered internationally for over 100 years.
“Providing the funds to support the mentorship of ten children is a really BIG deal to us at Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Georgian Triangle. It allows us to recruit ten more great role models for ten local kids that would otherwise be spending many more months on our waiting list. Instead, they are given the opportunity to enjoy activities with a great role model now. Because of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation’s grant, these ten children will have a better chance at a better life. For that, we thank you from the bottom of our collective hearts.” Deb Piggott, Fund Development Manager.
Collingwood YMCA, Youth Access to Opportunities and Leadership Project – $10,000
This project will bring small groups of young people together weekly for a variety of life skills experiences. It will provide them a chance to learn skills directly (like cooking and food shopping) and learn from each other and positive role models through games and activities. Healthy coping skills will be modeled such as problem solving, conflict resolution and effective communication. Volunteer opportunities and philanthropic events will provide a better sense of community and social inclusion and physical activity that provides a healthy outlet for stress and teaches the importance of setting goals and balance with other priorities.
“The community is at the heart of everything we do and we are so thankful to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for their generous donation. With the help of their donation, young people in our community facing economic challenges will be able to access the YMCA to keep active, develop strong leadership skills, build self-confidence and make new friends. Together, we are helping to build a healthier community, and for that, we are so thankful.” Nilusha Premasinghe, General Manager.
Elephant Thoughts, Issues Facing Youth Program for Community Social Organizations – $2,500
This new transformative program, aimed at First Nation and high-risk youth in Georgian Triangle, will have a significant impact across a broad range of youth-oriented support groups. Programming will target different age groups on different days and cover topics like healthy living, youth depression, anti-bullying, eating disorders, life skills and more. A total of 28 sessions including 4 weekend overnight experiences will be offered at Kimbercote Farm, including special days reserved for youth with physical disabilities. A total of 700 students will benefit, with more than 10 social organizations participating. Each day will have a common thread of major social issues interwoven amongst exciting activities and leadership development.
“We are so appreciative of the Blue Mountain Village Foundation. They are one of the areas unsung heroes, supporting youth programming in major ways. The BMVF was one of the first organizations to support Elephant Thoughts locally and have shown confidence in us annually over the years. They are very much a part of helping the 1000’s of lives we have touched. This year they are supporting us deliver programs to Collingwood Youth at Risk. This holistic program is designed to help kids develop the necessary tools to deal with stress associated with youth issues like depression, bullying, eating disorders, sexual orientation. Thank you BMVF for your support.” Jeremy Rhodes, Executive Director.
The Collingwood General & Marine Hospital is an Orthopedic Centre of Excellence and our community relies on the hospital to provide superior orthopedic care. This funding will help assist in upgrading and replacing surgical orthopedic equipment, which in turn helps reduce wait times and ensures patients are cared for with the highest degree of safety, dignity and comfort. “Expanding our surgical equipment broadens our capabilities to care for patients with life threatening illnesses or injuries. It broadens the range of procedures and positive outcomes at CGMH. The right tools today means having the opportunity to save someone’s life. That’s why we are launching a $1.5 million campaign to replace a wide range of surgical equipment at CGMH. Every day the CGMH healthcare team is here to diagnose, treat and sometimes operate on our patients. This is all possible because of the support of our community. Thank you to the Blue Mountain Village Foundation for their investment in this important campaign.” Jesse Dees, Annual Giving & Communications Associate Coordinator.
“On behalf of our Board of Directors and donors, we are proud to support these timely, important and impactful organizations and initiatives. Each organization’s focus on engagement, experience, and enriching the lives of our local community members is to be commended. It is fitting that we will provide these grants to community leaders at a ceremony where we will also honour the late Don Braden with the unveiling of a memorial sculpture dedicated to his years of leadership and service to Blue Mountain Village and the South Georgian Bay Region.” Andrew Siegwart, President of BMVF.